Monday, April 11, 2011

A guide to your camping first aid kit

Things to consider when buying a first aid kit for an outdoor activity such as camping - and there are so many. Our experience tells us the first thing to consider is the activity you intend on doing and the climate you intend on doing it in. For example, a first aid kit consisting of animal plasters and a lollipop for the children for use in your back garden won't cut it on an ice climbing trip to Scandinavia.

Another important consideration is your ability - if you were to open your first aid kit, would you know how to use each item contained inside? Is it time to maybe enrol on a basic first aid course? Even the most complete first aid kit is rendered useless if the knowledge required to give basic first aid is lacking.

For this guide, we'll assume we will be participating on a low risk camping activity.

Our definition of a low risk camping activity:

Falls from height will be unlikely. Risk from submersion in dangerous waters (cold, deep, fast flowing etc) will be minimal. Medical attention is available within the hour. Shelter, food and water are no further than 4 miles or one hour walk away. Always make sure you are competent to carry out any activity you plan to engage in. Use your judgement to determine the risk factor of your activity. Always take into account any factors beyond your control - a sudden fall in temperature or visibility can render any activity dangerous.

Moving on to the first aid kit, the first thing to be included in any kit is personal medication - that is any medication that has been prescribed to you that you would require on a day to day basis.

The rest of your kit should consist of at least:

Waterproof First Aid Kit Bag Flashlight Whistle Scissors First Aid Tape Antiseptic Cream Anaesthetic Spray Variety of Gauzes Eye Wash Burn Relief Ointment Variety of Bandages Plasters / Band-Aids Some form a pain relief - Aspirin / Paracetamol / Ibuprofen Latex Gloves An EpiPen or similar You should consider including the following items if not already included in your survival kit:

Tweezers A Fire steel or similar Water Purifying Tablets Space Blanket Finally, the following we consider optional but make great additions when pack weight isn't an issue:

Hydrocortisone Cream Insect Repellent Antihistamines Antacids Read on below for a description of each item and its suggested use.

Waterproof First Aid Kit Bag

There is absolutely no reason not to have a waterproof first aid kit bag to hold your first aid kit contents. The items in your first aid kit should be kept clean and dry at all times - a damp first aid kit is almost like no first aid kit.

Flashlight / Torch

Chances are you'll be carrying a flashlight anyway, but should always carry one in your first aid kit. This should be pretty self explanatory; first aid is a lot harder in the dark. Besides this, a torch is a great morale booster when an injured member of your party is immobile in the dark.


Don't carry just one whistle - carry one for each member of your group in case you need to separate or are separated for any reason. It is not only required to signal for help but is just as important to signal to each other.

These have a variety of uses in many first aid scenarios from trimming bandages and gauze to removing clothing in an emergency. Try not to use these for general tasks and try to keep sterile where ever possible.

First Aid Tape

First aid tape has an unlimited number of uses, from a makeshift splint to taping on gauze. A roll should be found in every emergency first aid kit.

Antiseptic Cream

A minor cut or graze wouldn't normally cause a problem - until it gets infected and can ultimately lead to very serious complications. Application of an antiseptic cream to keep this from happening could be very important.

Anaesthetic Spray

This may bring some welcome relief to common mishaps such as burns, stings, bites, cuts and grazes. Be sure to read the accompanying leaflet for details on the use of the spray - different sprays can be used on different ailments.

Variety of Gauze

Knowing when to use a gauze is easy when you know its purpose - to help stop bleeding. A gauze is made from porous fibres designed to absorb and trap the blood and thus help it clot. Do some research on when to and when not to use a gauze.

Eye Wash

Deemed unnecessary by some , but we like to take an eye wash in our first aid kits so we know we have a convenient and sterile wash available should any of our party be involved in an eye related incident.

Burn Relief Ointment

It's surprising just how common burns are encountered on camping trips, even to the most experienced of us. It can happen very easily but luckily can also be treated just as easily with the right gear.

Variety of Bandages

This includes a variety of sizes as well as shapes and types. Do your research on bandages - learn how and when to use them. Learn how to use one in a splint, how to make a sling, how to make a tourniquet etc. Knowing how to use each type will help you decide which type to stock your first aid kit up with.

Plasters / Band Aids

Use these to treat minor cuts and abrasions and help keep out infection. Remember to change the plasters regularly and to clean the wound before reapplying a new one.

Aspirin / Paracetamol / Ibuprofen

It could be very dangerous to give anyone painkillers such as Aspirin, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Always make sure the leaflet accompanying these drugs is kept in the first aid kit for reference. Always thoroughly read the leaflet and satisfy yourself it is safe to treat the patient with painkillers. If you are ever unsure, it is always safer not to do so.

Latex Gloves

These offer protection not just for the patient from infection but also for the giver of first aid. Always practise good hygiene procedures when treating a patient for both the health of the patient and yourself.

An EpiPen or Similar

An EpiPen must never be used without proper training or medical knowledge. Given the right circumstances and a competent first aider, an EpiPen can significantly increase the chances of survival of a patient in anaphylactic shock. Again thorough research is advised.


These are ideal for removing foreign bodies from cuts and abrasions. Bear in mind that multi tools such as a Swiss Army Knife or Leatherman usually have tweezers built in - along with a host of other useful items; if your pack weight permits it may be worthwhile investing in something similar.

A Fire Steel or Similar

Some people carry a lighter or matches, we prefer a fire steel as we know we can depend on it working when we need it.  You need one of these in your pack whatever your activity - in fact, put one on your key chain. It can be used with any kind of tinder to make a fire, can be used wet and are virtually indestructible.

Water Purifying Tablets

Always keep water purifying tablets in your kit, whether you keep it in your survival kit or first aid kit. Even the most simple of incidents can become drastic and life threatening without water and for their size and weight there is no excuse to go anywhere without carrying some.

Space Blanket

This item is very useful for keeping a casualty warm by reflecting their own body heat. Space blankets are useful in a variety of scenarios.

Hydrocortisone Cream

Hydrocortisone cream can be used on insect stings, nettle stings and the like. Using a cream such as this can help stop simple things like insect stings and bites from ruining a camping weekend.

Insect Repellent

Never underestimate the importance of an insect repellent. Why suffer with all those midge bites when you can apply some insect repellent and forget all about them.


Antihistamines are considered by many as optional unless of course you suffer badly from allergies. Again, these can help turn a miserable camping trip to a pleasant one with a tiny tablet.


If you know you typically suffer from excess stomach acid, don't forget to pack a packet of these.

As a final note, all of the above items are useless without a competent first aider. If you take part in any outdoor activity, give some serious consideration to taking part in a first aid course for not only your own benefit but others in your group. 

Sean Blaney is a founder of Telescopics Army Surplus and Outdoor supplies and is a writer of a number of guides and how-to's designed to help outdoor enthusiasts make the best use of their equipment.

All of our guides are available at

Monday, April 4, 2011

Basic first aid supplies for the whole family

Everyone must realize the importance of having a first aid at your home and car kit. Companies are required to have first aid with basic supplies kits first aid located somewhere in their facilities. If the building is large, usually have a first aid kit in each Department. We don't have to be "required by law" to take the best measures to ensure the safety of his and our. Accidents can happen every day when you least expect them, and therefore we must be prepared. You have a first aid with even basic supplies kit first aid can make the difference with an injury.

You can choose to buy a first aid comes complete with all the supplies basic first aid kit or buy a first aid kit, with many more supplies.It may seem as a great first aid is actually the first basic supplies basic first aid supplies auxilios.Algunos are:

or adhesive tape
or elastic bandage
or band-AIDS
or gauze rolls and pills)
or hydrocortisone cream
antiseptic cream or or aerosol
or antibiotic cream and burn cream
or Benadryl
or acetaminophen and ibuprofen
emergency numbers or and poison control centre number
or scissors and tweezers
or thermometer
or antacid
Calamine lotion or
or blood clot spray
or cold Pack snapshot
or antiseptic towelettes

You will find most of these first aid, basic supplies when you purchase a kit either preparados.No all do the same for all first-aid kits but are the first kits similares.Algunos larger aid have beyond basic supplies first aid, however, is possible that some of the supplies rarely or never is used.There can discover that some fonts you use most frequently (ibuprofen, band aids, antacid) may want to store more of these supplies, or have at hand.

You should always carry a first aid kit with at least basic supplies first aid in your car or in your body if you are hiking, riding bicycle or camping.Cualquier time is far from your home or your car over a long period of time guarantees have a first aid kit.

An option that many are doing is to compensate their own first kit auxilios.puede buy the container for storage of empty first aid kit and basic supplies to buy first aid necesita.puede choose to store your items in any container that more you convenga.Muchos think is not only the cheapest compensate their own first aid kit, but also gives them the opportunity to do with your choice of basic supplies stock first aid.

First aid is very essential for their families. [] verification to make sure that your family is always willing and seguros.Todo you always wanted to know about first aid []

Monday, March 28, 2011

Basic needs of first-aid Kit

Have ever been in a situation where he had to provide first aid and did not have the supplies you need? In this article shall identify the basic elements to keep in your first aid kit if you are at home or on the road. You never know when it will be necessary to administer first aid to you, your friends or loved.

Basic kit needs first aid:

          A basic Kit will be the same for everyone.However if you have children or not determined the need for extra band-aids for the little short and raspa incurred in children. A patch you always feel better.Routine items of first aid kits controls must check monthly for damage, due dates, and levels of supply.        

·Tarjeta first aid

         ·"adhesive band aid 3"

         ·Ayudas large adhesive band

·         Knuckles band aid

Antiseptic ·Toallitas

·2 pairs of latex gloves (or if you are allergic to LaTeX do free gloves LaTeX)

Triple antibiotic ·Ungüento (Neosporin)


·Instant cold Pack

·At least 2 gauze

·Rollo medical tape

·All these elements must be in a durable bag which is easily accessible in case of an emergency.

·Keep a first aid kit at home, your car and your desktop at work.

There are a lot of different situations that you may encounter that it would use its first kit auxilios.Por example; laughing my two daughters where playing off the other day and running on the patio, when I saw my youngest daughter climbing the fence descalzos.No much since I stopped seeing him I hear his screaming, so I went to see what happened. Ella slide towards down fence and received a few splinters standing aquí.I had obtained first aid laundry kit, grabbed the tweezers and pulled out of chips, then had cleared the wounds with one alcoholic sweeps and put his band pie.Una band aid help always does his feeling better even if she does not need uno.Preparando for accidents little life, priceless...


Depending of what you are doing and where you are, there may be need for packing other elements, such as sting relief spray repellent cream and errors if you're on a trip camping; while is walking or doing strenuous activity, an ace bandage and hot to strain the muscles ice cream would be a good idea ad you first kit auxilios.Me would recommend taking a basic class first aid that you never know when might enter during the uso.Recuerde that the best time to learn the lesson on preparing is before something happens.

Adam Sisterhen is the President of your store personal security and author of personal safety and Auto Defensa.Es articles a proud supporter and a firm believer in personal safety and auto defence products that help protect you, your family and loved.

Check these links to find the products discussed in this article, and a wealth of information.

For quality personal safety and self-defense products, visit

For information about products and personal safety and self-defense, visit

Respect, Adam Sisterhen

Monday, March 21, 2011

Emergency first aid: suggested instruction for all

Today many are driven to take classes in emergency first aid. This often rooted in his desire to be useful to keep them that care insurance. Thousands of people seek emergency first-aid training each month for the same reason. There are so many classes available in many communities so that health professionals often wonder why everyone does not receive training in emergency first aid.

Why does what training first aid emergency?

This training can be the difference between peace break the mind and heart. What if your child ends with a serious injury?What happens if one of your parents just unexpectedly faint emergency first aid training can offer you more closely to make a difference if this were to occur; Save the day.

With more people informed about the procedures for emergency first aid, others might be able to help too. At the same time someone fell and injured online withdrawal in a store that needs your help.Emergency training first aid can help you take full advantage of these undesirable moments.

Always in public where many people gatherthe first emergency training may be needed auxilios.Esto can be shopping centre, theatre, Park, work, bowling alley, etc.Experience of emergency first aid can save lives... If you like training on almost anything can be found; It is even better still as emergency first aid classes can bring many courses to improve your knowledge of good.

Where can you search for emergency first aid training?

Usually the best place to find the training of emergency first aid is its Red Cross local.Han had many safety certification courses for years are available; They include first aid, CPR, swimming, human attention and many others. If you like to learn new things much, are in fact a source to consider.

You will often find emergency training first aid at local community centres.His approach is doing things better in the community generally with some focus on the direction of "people helping people".Often have many courses over time, which is likely to be an emergency first aid.

Another good place to find some knowledge of emergency first aid should be internet.Hay many websites (including this) that have useful information on the topic and many classes help online first urgency.Please note that do not offer hands on environment found in person;However, is a place better than any training at all.

Emergency training first aid should take in serio.No only reinforces its commitment with which you are interested in, also provides a valuable means to help society general.Si more people did it, again who cares so if they are needed and is not present at the time.

Everyone should participate in a first emergency training programme auxilios.Con preparation that this training will bring, have another opinion on what you can bring its surroundings, as well as how they can positively affect!

Did you know that also other pet first aid and first aid for dogs [] there are? to find out more, visit the ship and the Web site of first auxilios.Katie highly recommends this site removed so today here = > []

Monday, March 14, 2011

First aid - a necessity for offices, houses and public places kits

First aid refers to immediate, provided medical care to the person suffering injury or illness, which does not aggravate in a major problem. First aid is provided on a first-aid dispenser that can take the form of a kit of emergency first aid, first aid package or a first aid kit of van. There are times when people can get injured or sick while that in your workplace and may require immediate attention on the ground. In such situations is that a first aid emergency team is useful and prevents minor injuries that escalate into major health problems, and therefore this should definitely included in the list of hygiene products.

All work sites must have a minimum provision to provide first aid and some mandatory requirements in a situation of this kind are a kit of emergency first aid and first aid together with a dispenser of first aid packages. As first aid packages are an inevitable part of the supplies included in these packages-stuffs of vary in accordance with the requirements of the seat are used.Therefore, while smaller workplaces need a smaller first aid package the largest factories and organizations need a comprehensive package first auxilios.Sin however, basic emergency kit supplies first aid do not depend on its size and content as a basic orientation booklet included individually wrapped Sterile dressings, individually wrapped triangular, clamps, bandages, dressings for injured unmedicated of different sizes and a pair of disposable gloves sterile eye pads.

A first aid kit of van is a package of first aid is maintained vehicles and apart from all the basic contents of a kit of emergency first aid that this kit is also necessary to have a mobile phone along with a few pairs of fully loaded battery operation. Due to the fact that in the case of an unprecedented event such as an accident in a deserted place, a phone call may be the only way to seek timely assistance, underlines the importance of a mobile phone and batteries included in a first aid kit of van.

Since Hygo is the leading provider of product hygiene, around the world, its list of products is including a variety of generators as the dispenser of first aid, first aid, food hygiene dispenser first aid for mezzo eye washing as well as liquid body mezzo dispenser.Aside from hygiene products, other products offered by Hygo that may include first aid packages are a book report of accident, estéril-lavado eye, a pod eye emergency station and a sheet of emergency blanket.

Hygo Ltd is a company of United Kingdom to cleaning supplies are basa.Hygo are suppliers of toiletries, hygiene products, cleaning supplies and first-aid kits .Nuestro objective is to provide a wide range of quality & to provide our customers with competitive pricing to make significant savings products.

Monday, March 7, 2011

First aid - not only for paramedics training!

What First Aid?

First aid training addresses the initial illness or injury.Treatment is often managed by someone who is trained in methods rescue and care of injuries and illnesses, but is not a professional care borne can save a life, or you can have more stable patient status and be a help for his recovery.

The aid has been taught how to manage care and stabilize the situation until paramedics arrive at the scene.Good first aid often begins with common-sense measures people often learn some basic capabilities of everyday experiences: controlling bleeding nose or treatment of a bruise by ejemplo.A times necessary initial treatment for a patient might be invasive or pose more risk to the patient if unmanaged safely reasons these effective first aid training required.

Can anyone be benefit from knowledge of first aid training?

Yes. first-aid training is important for any and all of the world because you never know when a situation can arise when early treatment is required auxilios.Ocasionalmente during a critical situation, the emergency services telephone operator may issue simple instructions first aid while paramedics are in ruta.Es during these critical moments that people often are unable to act on the fear, panic or shock.

It is, therefore, that the benefits of the effective training of first aid become clear.

Where to learn first aid skills?

Many first aid training courses run by the community, such as the Red Cross, St. John's ambulance and the Scout Association providers and also by many commercial organizations.

What training is available?

There are two main levels of first aid training:

The first is emergency aid to people that appointed training that addresses the most common sense procedures may also include instructions on more critical conditions as an unemployment heart and bleeding profuso.Una formal evaluation normally not carried out.

The second is first aid in job training, initial training lasts for three days and refresher course regular lasts 2 días.Este course covers a wide range of first aid procedures and approved field organizations will issue an assessment formal.La training company will issue a certificate for this course that will last for three years before the required certification.

Simple first aid training can be the difference between a life-saving and be an impotent spectator in a tragic event... get trained now! see first response website for more details of a wide range of first aid skills courses.

Christopher Barnett

Monday, February 28, 2011

First aid - supplies what source first aid must be to have first aid kit?

First aid procedures are quite simple, even if some people would not agree. This is meanly, because many people don't know much about first aid, first aid kits and first aid supplies. First aid procedures can be crucial if emergency comes that you or your friends or loved ones up. That is why should learn first aid, get a kit of first aid and start to learn what type of supplies has the kit and how to use them. By having an idea very clear about how to unite the resources in the first aid kit it is essential and if it will show you an emergency will be ready.

It is a good idea to leave rights first-aid kit if you don't have one yet.There are a couple of manufacturers and distributors that provide first aid high supplies calidad.Antes go and get one however, refer to this list to find out exactly what supplies must contain a first aid kit:

Supplies should include an antiseptic wipes to clean up the injury before dressing
Bandages sterile of various shapes and sizesAnti-bacterial ointment and medical tapeSafety pins, gloves, first aid kit tijerasUn must also have a thermometer analgesics such as aspirin and other

Once you've purchased the first aid kit should start learning everything you can about each of the first aid supplies as it is better to know how to use them before you need utilizarlas.debes remember provided that most importantly, when you give first aid to someone in need is time is esencial.Y with this I mean that by giving first-aid early afternoon can prevent a minor from developing countries in a severa.Por to know how to leverage better each of the supplies of first injury aid will be prepared.

More information about first aid and how supplies better them in [] can also grab a $19 report on first-aid free addressing []